roof lanterns

Are Roof Lanterns the Right Choice for Your Home?

Roof lanterns transform interiors, lighting up homes with elegantly glazed centrepieces. A staple of modern refurbishments and extensions, roof lanterns offer designers a simple and efficient way to upgrade living spaces. However, like any home development, homeowners should learn the ins and outs of roof lanterns to find their perfect glazing solution.

roof lanterns

What is a Roof Lantern?

Roof lanterns form part of the roof light family, but not every roof light is a roof lantern. Roof lights include things like skylights, light tunnels, and structural glass. These designs all incorporate glazing into roofs, allowing natural light and warmth into homes from above.

Specifically, roof lanterns use pitched frames to create glazed pods above roofs. These designs, customisable in size and shape, offer unique advantages with their angular glazing. The design triples the natural light from a conventional window. Their raised pitch also aids in weather runoff, creating self-cleaning glazing properties.

Where do Roof Lanterns Work Best?

As a link between roof and ceiling, roof lanterns work best in places like extensions, porches, and lower, flat roofs. Their peaked design improves featureless flat roofs, working wonders for bungalows and conservatories.

Roof lanterns help illuminate gloomier areas and are best used centrally to create clean lines of symmetry. Homeowners should also consider the different light requirements in brighter south-facing rooms or darker north-facing spaces.

While they offer several structural and aesthetic benefits, homeowners should clarify their housing priorities before deciding on a roof light.

Do Roof Lanterns Match your Refurbishment Priorities?

Roof lanterns offer a cutting-edge design upgrade but can also add a grand peak to more classic, traditional homes. Inspired by Victorian orangeries but modernised with sleek minimalism, different styles provide the versatility to sharpen a variety of housing styles. If a homeowner seeks a grander style, they could opt for a larger, multi-paned skypod roof lantern with a striking finish on the frames. Simpler designs might use sleeker frames and rise lower to create a subtle effect. With an aesthetic destination in mind, homeowners are better prepared to decide on their ideal roof light.

Green Credentials

Many modern homeowners prioritise shrinking their carbon footprint to protect the planet. Roof lanterns offer environmentally conscious design upgrades, which come in handy as the glazing lets residents see the environment above them. Skypod roof lanterns rank among the most efficient roof solutions on the market, as they help insulate homes while accessing natural light and heat from the sky. Thermally treated panes and double-glazing prevent wasted heat at night, and natural light harnesses solar power to reduce lighting and heating use. Some designs also offer triple glazing, to further combat heat loss, while also lowering noise pollution.

Do Roof Lanterns Need Planning Permission?

Roof lanterns rarely require planning permission, particularly when installed in a home’s lower roof. UK legislation requires planning permission for extensions “more than 150 mm from the roof” when they are “higher than the existing roof plane.” Generally, roof lights do not exceed this required height, particularly when the home’s main roof extends far above them. However, concerned homeowners should consult with local building authorities or even acquire “permitted building” letters to stay in the council’s good books.

Cost and Value

All forms of home refurbishment vary in price depending on design and size specifics. Roof lights also require installation. Thankfully, their design simplicity creates a quick and easy installation process, streamlining costs and keeping things straightforward.

Skypod roof lanterns themselves range from around £500 to over £1000, but also add value to homes. The curb appeal and future domestic moments might well prove priceless.

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