9 Reasons to Choose Aluminium Bifold Doors
With summer just around the corner, lighter evenings and lockdown laws being eased, people are starting to think again about outdoor entertaining. It’s one thing friends and family making their way out to the garden via a kitchen door. It’s another, much better, thing completely to have doors linking indoor living area and outdoor entertainment area. As many builders have said, a good set of doors creates a ‘seamless connection’ between indoor and outdoor living areas.

A Range of Options
Homeowners have a range of options and decisions to consider when choosing what type of doors are right for them. The good news is they’re not going to break the bank. There are inexpensive, durable, secure and attractive options. Aluminium bifold doors score very high in the popularity stakes for many reasons – at least nine reasons in fact.
Top Reasons to Choose Aluminium Bifolds
Aesthetics. They’re very adaptable and can be designed and fitted to suit a range of homes – modern and older styles. Bifolds can fit into both small and larger areas depending on customer needs – even up to seven panels across. There are hundreds of colours to choose from to get the right feel for your home.
Heat efficiency. Bifold doors help retain warmth while reducing your heating costs. They’re also weather-proof and very durable.
Light. A set of aluminium bifold doors will significantly increase and improve the light in that part of your home. As well as reducing electricity costs, natural light makes people consider a room or space with a whole different perspective. Natural light is far more attractive.
Made-to-measure. Aluminium bifold doors can be made to precisely fit the area you need to fill. No round-peg-square-hole concerns or worrying about other work you might need done to accommodate something off-the-shelf. And made-to-measure can mean made-to-measure on quite some scale – up to three metres in height and over eight metres wide, if needed.
Durable and low maintenance – well yes, that’s two reasons! Aluminium bifold doors are much tougher than traditional French windows. Wood is far more easily stained or damaged than aluminium. Aluminium doors are also easier to clean – often a simple wipe down with a cloth or duster will do the job. They’re easy to open and close along their rungs. They also only have a few moving parts which helps cut down on general wear and tear. Aluminium doesn’t corrode easily and is resistant to rust. And it rarely scratches. Unlike some French windows, aluminium bifold doors won’t contract or expand according to the whims of variable British weather.
And a Few More Reasons to Choose Bifolds…
Security. They are built to stand up to even the most vigorous of break-in attempts. For an added layer of protection there is the SBD (secured by design) option which is a police-recognised standard, nationwide.
Less space used. Bifold doors take up less space than French windows or sliding doors.
Entertaining – which is probably one of the main reasons you’re thinking about patio doors. You’ll create a warm, welcoming and very adaptable crossover area in your home. It will encourage more mixing at social gatherings or children’s parties. Aluminium bifold doors are practical and attractive.
The Benefits of Aluminium Bifold Doors
Through the brighter, warmer middle of the year you’ll have easy access to that indoor-outdoor space for entertaining. At other times, there’ll be more natural light in that part of your home. You’ll also be adding value to the property.